Ernesto the Cat

[spb_row wrap_type=”content-width” row_bg_type=”color” color_row_height=”content-height” bg_type=”cover” parallax_image_height=”content-height” parallax_image_movement=”fixed” parallax_image_speed=”0.5″ parallax_video_height=”window-height” parallax_video_overlay=”none” row_overlay_opacity=”0″ row_padding_vertical=”0″ row_padding_horizontal=”2″ row_margin_vertical=”0″ remove_element_spacing=”no” vertical_center=”true” inner_column_height=”col-natural” row_expanding=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_column width=”1/2″ el_position=”first”] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Portrait painting of an orange tabby cat named Ernesto 12″ x 12″ Oil on Panel ___ This handsome tabby cat liked to spend his time…

bird art watercolor painting
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Nature Journaling – Birds of Thailand

[boxed_content type=”coloured” custom_bg_colour=”#ffffff” pb_margin_bottom=”yes” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Hi and hello to you! Last year, I had the pleasure of visiting Thailand. It was the most relaxing vacation I’ve ever been on. I sat on a beach and painted birds with my little gouache set for 6 days straight. My breaks from painting included floating around…

Painting a Bateleur Eagle

[spb_video title=”The Full Making of…” link=”” full_width=”yes” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [blank_spacer height=”60px” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_text_block title=”My Latest Bird Painting: The Bateleur Eagle” pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] My bird portrait for April of 2018 features the rather spectacular Bateleur Eagle. These eagles can be found in Africa, ranging from Mauritania to Sudan to Egypt,…

What does a kingfisher, sea otters, and an octopus have in common?

[boxed_content type=”coloured” custom_bg_colour=”#fff” custom_text_colour=”#3b2b20″ pb_margin_bottom=”no” width=”2/3″ el_position=”first”] What does a kingfisher, sea otters, and an octopus have in common? They all ended up in paintings by me this month! I feel like it’s been a productive month at the studio. Though, to be completely honest, my studio at this point is a tiny room that…

The Sweetest Face…

[boxed_content title=”Maggie’s Mental Meanderings” type=”whitestroke” pb_margin_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] For many, this month brings bittersweet feelings. For those who are unhappily solo, it’s pretty easy to get a serious case of the lonelies, to feel like maybe you’re not worthy of love, or some other yucky feelings along those lines (side note to those who…

Birds, Whales, and Balance

[boxed_content type=”whitestroke” pb_margin_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Hi and hello to you! As we head into the third week of January, I’m having to acknowledge that I’m already failing at the one resolution I had for the year: living a more balanced life. I’m a bit of a workaholic. And yeah, you might be thinking, “But…

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Pet Portraits: A Sweet Cat and a Golden Retreiver

[spb_single_image image=”6020″ image_size=”full” frame=”noframe” lightbox=”yes” link_target=”_self” fullwidth=”no” width=”1/2″ el_position=”first”][/spb_single_image] [spb_text_block title=”A couple recent commissions” pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/2″ el_position=”last”] Golden Retriever Pet Portrait This was one of the more interesting commissions I’ve received. The recipient: a blind man. This golden retriever was the faithful seeing eye dog for his whole life. When he passed, I was…

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Clarice: A Dog Portrait

[spb_single_image image=”6013″ image_size=”full” frame=”noframe” lightbox=”yes” link_target=”_self” fullwidth=”no” width=”1/2″ el_position=”first”][/spb_single_image] [spb_text_block title=”Clarice – A Dog Portrait” pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/2″ el_position=”last”] I had so much fun working on this dog portrait painting. Clarice is a rescue dog. She was adopted by a super sweet couple over on the east coast. And yes, she’s named after Clarice Starling…


Process: Painting a Little Bird

[spb_video link=”″ full_width=”yes” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/1″ el_position=”first last”] Here’s a sped up version of my painting a little bird. I’m a big fan of tiny paintbrushes, and I’d be lost with my grandmother’s old Grumbacher filbert, whose mussed up bristles are perfect for painting soft feathers. If you love this little…

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Children’s portrait: It’s not done yet!

[spb_single_image image=”5031″ image_size=”full” frame=”noframe” lightbox=”yes” link_target=”_self” fullwidth=”no” width=”1/2″ el_position=”first”] Process… stages 1-3 [/spb_single_image] [spb_text_block pb_margin_bottom=”no” pb_border_bottom=”no” width=”1/2″ el_position=”last”] A Sneak Peak: Children’s Portrait Here’s a glimpse into the process of a portrait that I’ve been commissioned to paint. I forget how much I love painting little kids. There’s something about all the hope and joy…

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